How Gardening Can Help You Stay In Shape

Are you having trouble keeping up with your fitness program? If you do, then you are not motivated enough to stay in shape and be healthy. Exercise doesn’t only give you health benefits, but it can also put away stress, boost confidence and be in a high spirit all the time. The Best Appetite Suppressants may not work as much as you expect. A review of studies of five major FDA-approved prescription drugs for obesity, including orlistat, found that each of them worked better than a placebo at helping people lose at least 5 % of body weight over the course of a year.

If you are already an avid fan of this blog, you probably learned a lot on how to get in shape thru regular workouts, plan a balanced and healthy diet and many other forms of fitness that you can do to effectively lose weight and stay in shape. I even discussed some simple home cardio exercises that you can apply right at your own home.

Well, to give you another informative weight loss tip, I will give you basic details on one of the best home chore that most of us are taking for granted with regards to exercise – Gardening.

Why Gardening for Health and Fitness?

Two of my neighbors lived above 90 years and both of them have one habit in common – gardening. I am not concluding that their daily habit helped them achieved long lives but I have a feeling that it plays a big factor. Science have proven that planting is a great physical activity and the plants provide a healthy environment.

True enough, an article by WebMD shows that gardening has indeed offers many health and fitness benefits. It gives peace of mind, self-satisfaction and serenity besides the obvious physical workout. It’s like the good side of addiction with no known bad side effects.

Several scientific reports concludes that gardening can provide healing effects which came directly from nature itself, saying that a garden is considered a therapeutic environment that will help add more years to your life. One obvious benefit is that it can highly reduce stress which constitutes to lower blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and will boost your metabolic rate which will help you lose weight.

With regards to fitness, gardening is one fantastic way to lose those fats. A gardening activity a day can burn calories faster than any regular house chores. Planting, lifting soils and all those handwork and bending will all constitute to an enjoyable exercise, without you noticing that you are already working out.

Gardening – A Healthy Choice

Instead of lying more hours in your couch or surfing the Internet just to spend countless hours in Facebook, why don’t you spend more time doing any house activities like cleaning the house, washing your car and many others. If you have a backyard, having a garden is definitely a wise choice.

Here in Manila specially in the provinces, people plant vegetables and fruit trees to save money while living a healthier eating lifestyle. Choosing gardening as your daily habit will bring you many health benefits especially if you are on a weight loss plateau for a long time. Getting fit and staying fit is not impossible with gardening.

Since most health experts suggests that exercise is the secret to a healthy living, why don’t you start your workout program with a daily morning gardening routine? Follow that up with balanced and healthy dieting program and a consistent workout regime in the evening.


Start your own Garden now

To start a wonderful garden backyard, pick the best plants that you like and ask for planting guidelines with seasoned gardeners on your neighborhood. If you like to plant vegetables and herbs which are more ideal if you prefer to have instant veggies and herbal remedies, do so because it is more practical to have your own vegetables at home. Commercial vegetables and fruits are bombarded with chemicals and pesticides which are all harmful to health.

You may also read some magazines, books and online sites that discusses about gardening topics, materials and planting tips. If you really want to get serious about gardening, then you may opt to enroll in a gardening class at your nearest local area.

The Best Appetite Suppressants may not work fast as much as you expect. A review of studies of five major FDA-approved prescription drugs for obesity, including orlistat, found that each of them worked better than a placebo at helping people lose at least 5 % of body weight over the course of a year.

About 222ta

Bobbie Jones is a certified journalist covering wide variety of sectors and industries. She is a recipient of several journalism awards
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