The word is spreading like wildfire, and it seems to be really catching on amongst many people, including Hollywood starlets! The word is ‘vaping’ – but is electronic smoking right for you?
‘Electronic smokes’ as they are sometimes called, can actually benefit a number of different types of people, and if you fit into any of the following categories, the quality of your life could be greatly enhanced by using this product instead of smoking tobacco cigarettes. Because of all these benefits, blu-cigs are quite popular among vape UK lovers as well.
If you are a smoker, you know what a hassle it is to have to step outside on cold days in order to enjoy a cigarette, but smoking on the inside – anywhere you go – has become a thing of the past. The e-cigarette will enable you to enjoy nicotine indoors when you aren’t able to go outside or just don’t want to. Then you can go back to your regular habit in other places if you choose to do so. (I haven’t wanted a cigarette since I started using e-cigs, but some people choose to do both).
You may want to continue using nicotine but would love to eliminate the bad health effects that can come from smoking. Smoking a traditional cigarette leads to a buildup of tar in the lungs as well as other cancer-causing agents, whereas the e-cigarette delivers nicotine without all the toxins that come with cigarettes.
Still others are looking to quit smoking and want to use electronic cigarettes to start tapering off their nicotine addiction, and the product can help with that, too. Because you can order cartridges that deliver different strengths of nicotine, you can start with the full-flavored 16mg and gradually reduce the strength down to 12mg, 8mg, and eventually to 0mg. Some users like to continue vaping the 0mg strength for a while just so they can continue to go through the motions of smoking without actually inhaling any nicotine
Whether you’re trying to continue ‘smoking’ in places that no longer allow it, or you’re trying to quit the habit for good, the electronic cigarette can be the perfect product for you. If you’re not sure whether or not you want to invest in an entire system, some companies – like Blu cigs – offer disposable e-cigarettes.
Disposable e-cigarettes are a low-cost alternative that will allow you to try out the electronic cigarette without making a big commitment. If you like it, you can go to the next step. If it’s not for you, you haven’t invested too much of your budget in it.
If you fit into one of these categories, you may have found the perfect solution to your situation. But if you’re still not convinced that e-cigs are right for you, you might want to look around and ask some questions on message boards and find out what others are saying. I’m partial to Blu cigs and I’ve been vaping since December of 2009, but it wouldn’t hurt to get others’ opinions on the brand they use. Electronic cigarettes can be the perfect addition to your lifestyle for many reasons.