The age old argument of whether the hen came first or the egg has been done to death and people are bored of listening to it again and again. There is another argument, a much more serious one at that, that has been going on for a long time that also merits an explanation.
It is whether steroids are a necessary alternative for sportsmen- which have taken interesting twists and turns in the past few decades given how dependent athletes are in using it for better results.
However, in the context of sportsman spirit, it would resort to cheating as that would mean you don’t have confidence in your own talent and have to rely on shortcuts and dodges to achieve your goals.
There are many things we’ve been hearing about steroids like how they’re a dangerous addiction that leads to destruction of mankind and how it has become a necessary alternative for any player or athlete to use it at least once to see the end results.
Listed Points
It hardly matters whether you win or lose a game because at the end of the day people are going to remember your sportsman spirit. The age old stereotype that people only look up to those that come first in the race and don’t give a damn about the one who came second or third is crumbling.
Every day you read or hear news about a sportsman or any other national player coming under scrutiny for using drugs and steroids in his/her sports and getting arrested or attempting to clenbuterol kaufen.
The penalty for using steroids is extremely severe but also depends on the quantity of usage that can be determined through a dope test. This is the reason why such tests have become common for a long time because any player, before participating in a national level game, has to undergo dope test.
It is to determine whether he has steroids in his blood so that it can be detected and if caught red-handed, they’re not only liable to be disqualified from participating but ostracized from the sport entirely and getting into trouble with the law.
A lawful crime is considered to be a bane because it means turning into pariah in the eyes of the people that love you so much and indefinitely being suspended from participating in any sport ever again.
Conclusive Issue
There isn’t any clear cut answer as to why athletes resort to steroid alternatives but it could be that they badly want to prove themselves on an international platform and earn respect and adulation for which they are willing to go to any lengths.
They want name and fame in their field of passion but they’re not willing work hard to achieve their goals and want to achieve everything overnight, which is impossible to say the least.
However, the silver lining is that the players that have achieved a reputable name are extremely hard working and don’t need to inject drugs into their system to enhance their skills in playing, which is a big reason why youngsters are inspired by them to do the same.